1. If you want to salesforce application to be a service provider then we have the Rest resource in the apex.
2. How to define apex class as rest service
a. We have to annotate the class with @RestResource annotation
b. We have to provide the path or URL of the resource.
c. Apex class has to be global.
Example :
global class Example{ }
Note: If anyone wants to invoke this resource they have define as : https://ap4.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/myServices
Example :
global class Demo{ }
Note: https://ap4.salesforce.com/services/apexrest/createAccount?
d. While defining the method in the rest API service we have to specify what type of service
e. How to define methods in the class .
1. Every method should be static .
2. Every method should be global.
3. Every Method have annotation
4. we can define only method of each type in a class.
global static String call(){
global static string invoke(String name,String city){
f. RestContext:
1. This will reffer to the context of restservice call ,this will have request object and response object
2. RestContext.request
3. RestContext.response
g. RestRequest:
1. This is a pre-defined apex class.
2. This is defined under the namespace of system.
3. This class is used set data or retrive the data from the request object.
Example :
RestRequest request=new RestResource();
RestRequest request=Restcontext.request;
4. Properties :
a. header: This will contain the all the elements that are passed as header in the request.
:<!-- Map<String,String>-->
b. httpMethod: This will specity type of http request is made from request object.
c. params: This will reffer to all the parameters passed in the url of the endpoint
<!-- Map<String,String> -->
d. requestBody: This will return the body of the request body.
Blob requestBody()
e. requestUri: This will return the endpoint of the request .
Example : https://ap4.salesforce.com/apex/ExampleService
f. resourcePath: This will return the resource path of the request.
Example :ExampleService
Nice work