Select your Language

Notes Randomly

Mass Email Messages

1. You can’t send a mass email using a Visualforce email template.
2. You can use list<id> not set<id>  in mass email .
3. You can use only TargetObjectIds () not TargetobjectId() because TargetObjectid() use in message.
4. VF template support only recipient type USER, CONTACT, LEAD.
5.The maximum size of a Visualforce email template is 1 MB.
6. You can’t send a mass email using a Visualforce email template. The {!Receiving_User.field_name}and {!Sending_User.field_name} merge fields work only for mass email and list email and are unavailable in Visualforce email templates.
7. In single email message if user use templateid then
 Targetobjectid should be required (User, contact, lead)
8. if TargetobjectId is user then Whatid is not required.
9 if user don't want to use TargetobjectId then add one more line as below:

Test class

1. We create test class for checking the functionality and deployment 
2. For Deploy there is necessary that the test class should be pass and code coverage should be more than 75% 

3. We can use the class variable in the test class by using instance of apex class which created in test class 

    static void testme()
         contact c=new contact (lastname= 'Verma');
         insert c;

         ContactListVF cl=new ContactListVF();;
 here wcontact is the variable of apex class

Formula field is not working parent
when any updation work on child and show on parent

Custom metadata

Custom metadata types enable you to create your own setup objects whose records are metadata rather than data. These are typically used to define application configurations that need to be migrated from one environment to another, or packaged and installed.

Rather than building apps from data records in custom objects or custom settings, you can create custom metadata types and add metadata records, with all the manageability that comes with metadata: package, deploy, and upgrade. Querying custom metadata records doesn't count against SOQL limits.

custom settings
Use custom settings to create and manage custom data at the organization, profile, and user levels. Custom settings data is stored in the application cache. This means you can access it efficiently, without the cost of repeated queries. Custom settings data can be used by formula fields, Visualforce, Apex, and the Web Services API.

Custom meta data have some extra field like as 

Metadata relationship
Text area long
but it don't have one  field ( currency  ) which custom setting have like as 

On web to lead  captcha release in Spring 17

Custom meta data release in Summer 15

OpportunityProduct ( API opportunitylineItem ) is a junction object between opportunity and Product

api name of product is Producrt 2
api name of OpportunityProduct is opportunityLineItem

system admin have edit readonly permiossion which can edit read only field

  • System.Assert accepts two parameters, one (mandatory) which is the condition to test for and the other a message (optional) to display should that condition be false.
  • System.AssertEquals and System.AssertNotEquals both accepts three parameters; the first two (mandatory) are the variables that will be tested for in/equality and the third (optional) is the message to display if the assert results in false.
                       [  system.assertEquals(expected, actual) ]

Difference between Action support and command button
Action support can be use for all javaScript event like click ,focus,on change ,keyup  etc
but command button is basically use for submit the data to server side 

Q: How to hide / show developer console in org 
A: In profile go to edit and enable the checkbox of ( Author apex and View all ) then it will show
for hiding you cab disable these check box

Q: How we can understand  the concept of with sharing or without sharing ?
A: create a class and create a apex page and in open that apex page in different profile or user then you will easily understand this concept.
* you have to add the vf page in  that profile
FIND 'SearchQuery' [ IN SearchGroup]  [RETURNING ObjectsAndFields]

SearchQuery is the text to search for (a single word or a phrase). Search terms can be grouped with logical operators (AND, OR) and parentheses. Also, search terms can include wildcard characters (*, ?). The * wildcard matches zero or more characters at the middle or end of the search term. The ? wildcard matches only one character at the middle or end of the search term.

SearchGroup is optional. It is the scope of the fields to search. If not specified, the default search scope is all fields. SearchGroup can take one of the following values.

  • For APEX, a literal string must be enclosed in single quotes.
  • For API (SOAP API), it should be demarcated with braces.

ObjectsAndFields is optiona

[FIND 'Wingo OR SFDC' IN ALL FIELDS RETURNING Account(Name),Contact(FirstName,LastName,Department)]

1. we can use Formula fields in soql query also but not vice versa
2. we can also fetch multi picklist values in soql query

Bucket Field :

we can apply bucket field only on  Text, Numeric, Picklist and if you want apply on other then you should use formula fields


With Summer 16 release, auto-populating geocodes for addresses on Accounts, Contacts and Leads are made possible in Salesforce through geocode clean rules.

Manage Sets of Apex Test Classes with Test Suites

A test suite is a collection of Apex test classes that you run together. For example, create a suite of tests that you run every time you prepare for a deployment or Salesforce releases a new version. Set up a test suite in the Developer Console to define a set of test classes that you execute together regularly.
  1. In the Developer Console, select Test | New Suite.
  2. Enter a name for your test suite, and then click OK.
  3. Use the arrows to move classes between the Available Test Classes column and the Selected Test Classes column, and then click Save.
To change which classes are in a test suite, select Test | Suite Manager | Your Test Suite | Edit Suite. (You can also double-click a test suite’s name to edit the suite.) Use the arrows to move classes between the Available Test Classes column and the Selected Test Classes column, and then click Save.
To run suites of test classes, select Test | New Suite Run.

You can add up to a maximum of 200 test classes per TestSuite.
From the beginning of Spring 16 release orgs.

How to query list of Test Suites and Test Suite Members? 
ApexTestSuite: To know the list of available Test Suites.
Select Id, Name FROM ApexTestSuite
TestSuiteMembership: Represents a class in an ApexTestSuite.
SELECT Id FROM TestSuiteMembership WHERE ApexTestSuiteId = ’05FD000hhgjhjhg′.




Username: sanatan@rsc.demo
Password: salesforce321

18602331234 shopper


1.Multipick list value enter in dataloader with (;) seprator without space
2.dateformat should be in correct formate
3.for checkbox we put true and false on sheet
4.Bucket field is not work on joined report
5. you can create only 40,000 articles 
6. stop all the test class which are in the queue
 you can go to workbench --> utility --> Apex Execute then past the code

ApexTestQueueItem[] items = [SELECT Id FROM ApexTestQueueItem WHERE Status IN ('Holding','Queued','Preparing','Processing')];
for(ApexTestQueueItem item: items) {
    item.Status = 'Aborted';
update items;
7. convert list to set

List<Account> accounts = [select Id, Name from Account];
Set<Id> ids = (new Map<Id,Account>(accounts)).keySet().clone();

8. For CTI (computer telephony integration)
1. type call center in setup and then click on continue
2. import call center definition (XML file) which have which fields , what order of field , which api used 
3. after import you will see all the detail
4. then in related list click on manage user 

9. Hide follow or unfollow button on compact layout from case object

10 . parnet case can not close if any child case are open

Helper class     : CaseCloseController
Trigger          : it will execute on trigger Name: caseTrigger
Function         : This Helper class check that parent case can not close untill all child case close
Author           : Ankit Verma
Created On       : 22/8/2019
Modified On      : 23/8/2019
 public class CaseCloseController {
    public static void caseError(list<case> cases) 
        set<id> parentCase = new set<id>(); // for getting id of parent 
        map<id, case> caseMap= new map<id,case>(cases);// 
        // iterating for getting the id of open case
        for(case c: cases)
            system.debug(' case valu is '+ c.IsClosed);
         system.debug('parent case id '+cases);
        // getting all child case whose status are not closed
        list<case>childCase=[select id, status, ParentId from case where ParentId =:parentCase AND isClosed= FALSE ];
        system.debug('child case whose status are open'+childCase);
        for(case c: childCase)
            system.debug('child case whose status are open');
            caseMap.get(c.ParentId).adderror('you have to close all child case first');
} can get record type id without querry :

String RecTypeId= [select Id from RecordType where (Name='Person Account') and (SobjectType='Account')].Id;


 String recordTypeId = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get('Account').getDescribe().getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('Person Account').getRecordTypeId();

Id recorTypeId= Schema.SObjectType.Lead.getRecordTypeInfosByName().get('recordTypename').getRecordTypeId();
 12. use trigger run once code

 public class TriggerRunOnce 
    public static boolean Run = true;
    public static boolean runOnce()
            return true;
            return run;
in trigger write like as


13.. user object can not support field depandacy in picklist in lightning but you can do in classic
14. Up to 20 fields per object can be tracked. Certain field types such as auto-number, formula, roll-up summary and a few others cannot be tracked.

15. Business hours can be use in case , milestone, entitlement, case escalation
16. You can’t include the Business Hours field in list views or reports.
17.  compare production or sand box class,file all things by url

18. WHERE CreatedDate > 2005-10-08T00:00:00Z
19. Show date instead of datetime use this
    <p><lightning:formattedDateTime value="1479944705000"/></p>
    <p><lightning:formattedDateTime value="1479944705000" year="2-digit" month="short" day="2-digit" weekday="narrow"/></p>
    <p><lightning:formattedDateTime value="1479944705000" year="2-digit" month="short" day="2-digit" weekday="long"/></p>

20 . two field combination should be unique 
create one unique field then create wf and update that unique field by concatenat abc__c + '' + bcd__c

21. Milestone Limitation 
a. you can show actual time or business time on milestone status
b. milestone have field : status , elaspped time( day, hrs, min, sec,), violation, completed

22. challenge face to remove all picklist value.
23. entitlement can select only Two object 1. Case, 2. WorkOrder
24. The Lightning Process Builder and Flow do not support comma-separated values in rule criteria.
25. In processbuilder formulas Maximum length is 3,900 characters.
CASE( Account.Type , 
"A", "true",
"B", "true",
"C", "true", 
= "True", TRUE, FALSE)
CASE( [Case].Sub_Type__c ,
22. Custom picklist fields can be either controlling or dependent fields. Standard picklist fields can be controlling fields, but not dependent fields. Multi-select picklist fields can be dependent, but not controlling fields. You can set default values for controlling fields but not for dependent picklists.

23. While creating user report, manager filed can not come then we have to create formula field on user object then add column.

24. you can not only disable delete permission of task from profile you can stop edit permission of Activity so no one can 
edit or delete the task.

25. formula field do not have email,picklist field
26 we can also grouping by formula field in reports.
27  Reports in "My Personal Custom Reports" and "Unfiled Public Reports" cannot be added to a change set and are not shown in this list

28 process builder run in system mode.
29 IN Process builder In update action don't have formulas based meeting criteria ()
30 After uploading change set we can not add any component.
31. If we are adding any WF rule then we have to add its action seprately.
32. Login Flow is profile specific

33. Duplicate rule:
a. you can active 5 duplicate rule per object
b. you can add 3 matching rule in one duplicate rule including one matching rule per object means per object you can add 3 matching rule in duplicate rule.
 it is not working when any lead convertd by apex , restore record with undelete button, manually merged, records added using lightning sync

 34. Approval process

  Your org can now have up to 1,000 active and 2,000 total Approval Processes. Each object can have up to 300 active and 500 total Approval Processes.
35. you can assigen 1000 user per permission set.

36. task can assign to public group, user, and queue.
37. Getting value and label from picklist(Sales_Organization__c):

    Schema.DescribeFieldResult fieldResult = Account.Sales_Organization__c.getDescribe();
    List<Schema.PicklistEntry> values = fieldResult.getPicklistValues();
Map<String,String> MapValueLabel = new Map<String,String>();
    String publicLabel;
    for( Schema.PicklistEntry v : values) {
38 database.upsert(recordToUpsert, externalIdField, allOrNone)
39. Quote only create only on negoatiation stage of opportunity
40 get one record from query because query return list 
String quoteNumber=[select id,Quotation_Number__c from Quote__c where id=: quoteObjRec].Quotation_Number__c;

41. Create Clone of accounts
Create a detail page button --> Select content source URL --> type in forumal editor (/{!Account.Id}/e?clone=1)

42. if we update value of picklist by program then we have to assign api not label
43. enter date in program: Date.newInstance(2016, 12, 9);
44 call out exception: You have uncommitted work pending. Please commit or rollback before calling out.
45 Email proper format validation :

NOT(ISBLANK( Email )),
NOT(REGEX( Email ,'^[a-zA-Z0-9._|\\\\%#~`=?&/$^*!}{+-]+@[a-zA-Z0-9.-]+\\.[a-zA-Z]{2,4}$')))

 46 +8989 & -849839 is number but 990-99 is not the number

 47. stage can not be roll back validation;

 ISCHANGED( Status__c ) &&
CASE(Status__c ,
"New", 1,
"Submitted to GFRC", 2,
"Completed by GFRC", 3,
"New", 1,
"Submitted to GFRC", 2,
"Completed by GFRC", 3,

48. hierachy custom setting:
Hierarchy__c CS = Hierarchy__c.getInstance(SysAdminID);
System.Assert(CS.OverrideMe__c == 'Goodbye');
System.assert(CS.DontOverrideMe__c == 'World');

49 list custom setting:

 Map<String, Foundation_States__c> allstates = Foundation_States__c.getAll();
 Map<String, Foundation_States__c> states = new Map<String, Foundation_States__c>();
 for(Foundation_States__c state : allstates.values()) 
     if (state.country_code__c == 
          states.put(, state);




50. If we get any text value which is '001' from dataloader then in csv it give only 1 as a numeric value 
so after export we have to change that format to text and update the value as '001' then after we can import correct value.

51. we can put any thing in object type ex:
Map<String,Object> msg = new Map<String,Object>();
msg.put('text', 'The following opportunity has changed:\n' + opportunity.Name + '\nNew Stage: *' + opportunity.StageName + '*');

52 . Agile Accelator is a free app which work on agile methology.
53. VS code command
 in command prompt type: "sfdx" to check vs code installed successfully
 Type: "sfdx Update" to check CLI installed successfully 

 54. Bulk object field creator app, Salesforce Inspector, Agile salsforce app,  in slaesforce 
 55. Auto approval by trigger

 trigger Risk_Build_Approval on Opportunity (after update) 
  for(Opportunity o:{ 
     Opportunity oldOpp = trigger.oldMap.get(o.Id);
     if(o.risk_build__c == 'Yes' && oldOpp.risk_build__c <> 'Yes')
         Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest req1 = new Approval.ProcessSubmitRequest();
         req1.setComments('Submitting request for approval.');
         Approval.ProcessResult result = Approval.process(req1); 
56. Getting date only from date time 

 DateTime edT = bpp.End_Date__c;
            String endTime;
            endTime= edT.format('dd MMMM, yyyy');
57. Date for Vf page 

<apex:outputText value="{0,date,yyyy.MM.dd}">
   <apex:param value="{!MyVar.Holiday_Date__c}"/>
58.Date for lightning component.

<lightning:formattedDateTime  value="{!x.CreatedDate}" /></td>


59. you can also create formula field then get the date only
60 get yesterdat


Test class for VF page PDF

        Demand__c de = [select id from Demand__c];
        system.debug('DEmand id'+de);
        PageReference pageRef = Page.DemandPDF;   
        // ApexPages.StandardController sc = new ApexPages.StandardController(de);
        ApexPages.currentPage().getParameters().put('Id', de.Id);
        DemandPDFCntrl dePDF = new DemandPDFCntrl();


62. Getting record Type name from an object.

[select Id,DeveloperName from RecordType where sObjectType='Stock_Visibility_Survey__c']

63. use Switch in for loop
 for(integer i=0;i<5;i++){
            switch on i {
                when 0 {
                    Objective_Master__c objMaster = new Objective_Master__c();
                when 1 {
                    Objective_Master__c objMaster = new Objective_Master__c();
                when 2 {
                    Objective_Master__c objMaster = new Objective_Master__c();
                when 3 {
                    Objective_Master__c objMaster = new Objective_Master__c();
                when else {
                    Objective_Master__c objMaster = new Objective_Master__c();

Base64encoading return string and base64decode return blob

Blob blobValue = Blob.valueOf('test document to attach to account');
string encodeString= EncodingUtil.base64encode(blobValue);
blob decodeString =EncodingUtil.base64Decode(encodeString);

65. Save All values from vf page of an object. and show details page.

public class CollectionCallController {
    public Call_Audit__c CA{get;set;}
    public CollectionCallController(ApexPages.standardController a)
    public pageReference save(){
        CA.Collection_calling__c= true;
        upsert CA;
        PageReference pg = new PageReference('/apex/CollectionCallAuditForm?id=';
        return pg;


67.  Only marketing user can create Campaign record.

68. User Locale value can set the time formate of user
Locale(India)= dd/mm/yyyy
Locale(Us)= mm/dd/yyyy

69. If Error Came as:

NO_MASS_MAIL_PERMISSION, Single email is not enabled for your organization or profile.: []".

then Go to Setup --> Quick Find Box ---> Deliverability --> (Access Level: All emails from System email  

User-added image
70. How to know the limit is breached of records from soql

 Integer remainingRows = Limits.getLimitQueryRows() - Limits.getQueryRows();

[SELECT id FROM RecordType Limit :remainingRows]

71. Creating map and putting value in map without for loop

Map<Id, Account> conflictAccountMap = new Map<Id, Account>([Select Id, (Select Id, Unit__r.Name, OwnerId From Facilities__r), OwnerId, Name, Converted_Mobile_Number__c, Doctor_s_National_Registration_Number__c, Doctor_s_State_Registration_Number__c From Account  Limit :remainingRows]);
72. API limit in salesforce.

For Salesforce Professional and Enterprise, each organization receives a total of 1,000 API calls per user in a 24-hour period, up to a maximum of 1,000,000 API calls (for organizations with 15,000+ Salesforce licenses). Salesforce Unlimited has a 5,000 API calls per user limit, up to a maximum of unlimited API calls.

73. Custom field limit is  40 Character.and special character not allowed on API.
74. When any filed deployed to the production then field visibility on the profile will again enable.

75. With the help of Formula field We can handle two fields

Ex-: Formula Field

Formula:  if(ISNULL(amount__c), PendingAmount __c, TotalAmount__c)

76. Developer org can send 10 external emails per day only to external 

reference link:-

77. Mass email does not send using VF Email Template.

78. If You want that if any process builder fails then you got error message then 
go to setup --> process automation setting --> Change apex exception mail recipient and go to setup
--> Apex exception mail --> Enter your email..

79. If you want to get approver mail also Like when any approver mail sends to another user then you go to setup --> compliance BCC address --> enter your email --> save.

80. We can not call any scheduler from the apex class. but we can call any normal class from the scheduler Execute method.

81. Getting a query for batch
public Database.queryLocator start(Database. batchableContext bc)
 DescribeSObjectResult describeResult = Invoice_Staging__c.getSObjectType().getDescribe();
        List<String> fields = new List<String>(describeResult.fields.getMap().keySet());               
        String query = 'SELECT ' + String.join(fields,',') +' FROM Invoice_Staging__c Where EpisodeType__c = \'IPD\' ';

81. We can not perform manual sharing on lightning experience
 82 we can perform 7 actions on lightning Quick action
1. call a log
2. VF page
3. lightning component
4. send mail
5. update record
6. create a record
7. Flow call

82 Send list of email using permission set 
 create a permission set --> System Permission --> enable Allow sending list email --> assigned to user 

List Email

83. Toggle functionality in LEX component

Reference link:

84. Open PDF in lightning also Classic by button

Create button--> Select content source URL --> type URL  

/apex/VFPDFPage?id={! object__c.Id }

85. we can pass only one parameter in the Invocable method

86.  Salesforce calculates the limit by multiplying the number of user licenses by 1,000, up to a daily maximum of 1,000,000.

87. In invocablemethod 
1. we can pass only one parameter which should be LIST type
2. method should be STATIC. 
3. we can create only one invocable method in the class

88. getting list of Id in a single query

        List<Id> momId = new List<Id>(new Map<Id, Minutes_Of_Meeting__c>([select Id from Minutes_Of_Meeting__c]).keySet());

89.Override a button with the Lightning button :

Just implement "lightning:actionOverride" interface in the lightning component then this component can use in the standard button.

90.We can handle the VF pages based on Profile.

Setup =>Visualforce Page=> Security=> Select Profile.

91. If account records are private and opportunity is share then account records can override the sharing setting.

if records are share with any other user then we can see the reason with the sharing button in the classic view.

92. If you disable the GRANT ACCESS USING HIERARCHY then still records share to another user then maybe that record's activity assigned to User. (*).

93. Always have access

These reasons always gain access:
Group Member
Queue Member
Role Member
Member of Subordinate Role
Territory Member
Member of Subordinate Territory
These reasons only gain access when using hierarchies:
Manager of Group Member
Manager of Queue Member
Manager of Role
Manager of Territory
User Role Manager of Territory

94. If you want to install the package in sandbox then change the first URL
like as :

95. Getting Label not the picklist Api from soql querry.

use toLabel(Picklist Fieldapi)

select id,name, toLabel(Product_Sub_Type__c), toLabel(Product_Type__c) from Material__c where id='a0e1b000002iPRvAAM'

96. Getting map from query 

   Map<Id, Minutes_Of_Meeting__c>   Mymap  =Map<Id, Minutes_Of_Meeting__c>  ([select Id, name from Minutes_Of_Meeting__c]);

97. Getting list of Id from Query

        List<Id> momId = new List<Id>(new Map<Id, Minutes_Of_Meeting__c>([select Id from Minutes_Of_Meeting__c]).keySet());

98 . Getting Map from list


99. Call flow from URL Button 

Create a Detail page button and Enter below link in the URL:


100. Show and hide lightning component by using below:

<aura:renderIf isTrue="{!v.rendered}">

101. Custom pick list with different label and value:

 <apex:selectList value="{!cntobj.doc_type__c}" size="1">
                        <apex:selectoption itemLabel="Factory Sales Dahej - Z001" itemValue="Z001" />                    
                        <apex:selectoption itemLabel="Factory Sales Ranjit - Z002" itemValue="Z002" />   
                        <apex:selectoption itemLabel="Depot Sales Order - Z004 " itemValue="Z004" />
                        <apex:selectoption itemLabel="Deemed Export Dahej - Z012 " itemValue="Z012" />
                        <apex:selectoption itemLabel="Thane Depot Sales OR - Z013 " itemValue="Z013" />
                        <apex:selectoption itemLabel="SR Depot to  Factory - Z014 " itemValue="Z014" />
                        <apex:selectoption itemLabel="ExportDepot Sales OR - Z023 " itemValue="Z023" />                    
102. Get Account id Hyperlink on Rich text Field

use code i apex class:  SuccessaccIds += '<a href="/' +acs.accountId +'">' +acs.accountId +'</a>,';

Note: SuccessaccIds is a string which populated on the custom field.

103. Add break line in Long text area filed using apex.

 OT=  ord.Standard_terms__c.replaceAll('\n','<br />'); 

104.  Count decimal value up to 2 places.

Decimal d = 103.3586;
Double ans = d.setScale(2);
system.debug('value is '+ans);

105. How to set Assignment rule by Apex

 Database.DMLOptions dmo = new Database.DMLOptions(); dmo.assignmentRuleHeader.useDefaultRule= true;

Note: Where newlead is a object reference variable.

106. If any class scheduled then the user can not modify the apex class.

107. From vf page get the Lightning page URL

 public PageReference back(){
        return new pagereference(url.getsalesforcebaseurl().toexternalform()+'/'+accObjRec);

108. Immediate  Keyword in command Button in VF page 
A Boolean value that specifies whether the action associated with this component should happen immediately, without processing any validation rules associated with the fields on the page. If set to true, the action happens immediately and validation rules are skipped. If not specified, this value defaults to false.

109. We can not directly create the field on task and event object for this we have to create a field on the Activity object.

110. Why Future method can not pass the non premitve data. (Sobject, Apec class, etc)
  1. Why we cannot pass the object (custom, standard) as a parameter? Remember we are working with asynchronous apex they will execute only when the resources are available so if we use the object as a parameter then the system will not hold the current data.

111. Inline Editing on line view
Ref URL:

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